The Lion King Hero

Hey guys today we are going to be talking about heroes hope you enjoy!

Recently I got to watch The Lion King some of the heroes in the movie had characteristics these included bravery, cunning, and sympathy these are found in lots of heroes. But my hero has traits just like it and his name is Bill Gates. He is brave for trying new things and getting involved just like Simba being brave to go back to save his people. He is also cunning because when he is put in front of a problem he analyzes the problem and generates a solution which is like Scar he wanted to be king so to solve that problem he killed Mufasa and tricked Simba. Bill gates also is sympathetic because he helps other with there problems and try to generate an idea this happens with Nala when she has to convince Simba to come back she try to help him and relate and it pulls of! This is why I think Bill Gates is a good hero.

Thanks for reading have a fantastic day!:)

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